For the month of October , Mimi Illenberger-Mapa shares this true story of a young housewife and how she was saved from an almost certain death by an angelic intervention. When I was 23 years old, I accepted a new job that was a tremendous amount of responsibility. I was stressed out because my supervisor was acting like I wasn't doing a good enough job and I was working as hard as I could. My husband and I had just purchased a new home. This was another stress since financially we were really strapped and I couldn't afford to lose my job. One morning I was getting ready for work and was drying my hair. A strange thought came into my mind: Wouldn't it be hard to dry your hair with one arm? I was running late and jumped into my car. Being a seat belt user all my life, I thought I would wait until I get off of our street and pull up onto the highway to put on my belt. It was only a short way. Then I thought: Oh, what the heck. What difference will a few seconds ...