HELP FROM BEYOND (The Ghost of Christmas) by mimi illenberger mapa There are people who profoundly believe that there is personal survival after physical death. These are the men and women who’ve had psychic and spiritual encounters with those who’ve gone ahead. Such people are free of fear. They are not afraid to die because they believe death does not mean the end of existence but the beginning of a new life – a whole new form of existence. In a way their belief insulates them from grief because to them, the dead are very much around…albeit unseen. While attending the wake of a neighbor, I chanced upon an old balikbayan friend whom I hadn’t seen in almost two decades. We giggled and pinched each other like we were wont to do in college as we shared funny stories and anecdotes. But when I mentioned I was now a creative writer and into paranormal research for ghost stories and strange tales assignments, she suddenly quieted down ...