THE RETURN OF CLING-CLING Edward’s pet dog Sophie, died while he was out of the country. And so, hurting like anybody would when you know you can’t be present when your pet is laid to rest, he turned to me for comfort and asked if I could share this tale once more. Let me begin by quoting Oliver Wendel Holmes: Beware how you take away hope from any human being.” And so to those who cling with faith and enduring hope to the Lord’s promise that we will all be reunited with our loved ones in heaven one blessed day, this story is for you. You see, I like to imagine “loved ones” to include the pets we loved and who loved us so unconditionally in life. I have always maintained that in all probability, a living, loving creature with strong emotions has a soul. I can’t prove that, of course, but neither can I ,prove that you and I...